Free Herbal Medicines


   Bad Breath
   Bleeding Nose
   Blood in Urine
   Burning Urine
   Cervical Spondylosis
   Cirrhosis of Liver
   Common Cold
   Facial Paralysis
   Hair Fall
   Heart Disease
   Hoarse Voice
   Intestinal Worms
   Irregular Bleeding
   Kidney Stones
   Mouth Ulcers
   Muscle Cramps
   Myopia/Short Sight


Tonsillitis is an inflammatory condition of the tonsils which lie one on each side of the throat. This inflammation occurs due to infection. It is a common childhood problem.


Tonsils are present to protect the upper respiratory tract from infection by trapping and destroying micro­organisms. In the process, sometimes they too become infected by the micro organisms.

Tonsillitis is common in children under ten years of age, although it occasionally occurs in young adults. When it occurs in adulthood, the symptoms are usually more severe.

Signs & Symptoms

The throat becomes sore and inflamed and there is often difficulty in swallowing. Fever, headache, earache and swollen neck glands are other possible symptoms & signs. If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or if there is pus visible on the tonsils, consulting an ENT specialist is essential.

Herbal Medicines

  1. Garlic paint: Make a paste of garlic cloves, smear it on a piece of cotton wool, warm it on a low flame and squeeze the juice. Add equal quantity of honey and swab the inflamed tonsils with this juice for prompt relief.
  2. Milk + Turmeric: A glass of warm milk, well mixed with a pinch of pure turmeric powder and black pepper powder is taken twice a day for 10 days.

Ayurvedic Remedies

  1. Kanchanara Guggul 2 pills twice a day with warm water.
  2. Septillin tablets 1 tab. thrice a day.
  3. Kaph Ketu Ras 2 tab. 3 times a day.
  4. Tundikeri Ras 1 tab. 3 times a day.
   Painful Periods
   Parkinson's Disease
   Peptic Ulcer
   Poor Memory
   Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
   Premature Ejaculation
   Prickly Heat
   Prostate Enlargement
   Pus in the Ear
   Sore Tongue
   Sun Burn
   Swelling of The Body
   Whooping Cough

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