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Acidity Acne Aids Anaemia Arthritis Asthma Atherosclerosis Back-Ache Bad Breath Bed-Wetting Bleeding Nose Blood in Urine Boils Burning Urine Burns Bronchitis Cataract Cervical Spondylosis Cirrhosis of Liver Common Cold Conjunctivitis Constipation Corn Cough Dandruff Dehydration Diabetes Diarrhoea Dysentery Eczema Epilepsy Facial Paralysis Fatigue Fever Filaria Flu Frigidity Flatulence Goitre Hair Fall Headache Heart Disease Hepatitis Hiccups Hoarse Voice Hypertension Hysteria Impotence Indigestion Infertility Insomnia Intestinal Worms Irregular Bleeding Jaundice Kidney Stones Leucoderma Leucorrhoea Malaria Measles Menopause Mouth Ulcers Mumps Muscle Cramps Myopia/Short Sight |
Sore TongueSore tongue medically known as stomatitis is a very common symptom. Most of the doctors routinely prescribe B-complex tablets, terming it B-complex deficiency. In fact in many instances it is not so. CausesThe most common reason of sore tongue where is tongue is red and bald is 'Antibiotic glossitis'. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics causes (1) Disturbances to normal bacterial flora and over growth of fungus (2) B-complex deficiency and lastly (3) Chemical irritation of tongue. Out of these factors, B-complex deficiency is the least important cause. Some people get attacks of sore mouth or tongue very often. During the episode, ulcers appear on the tongue or buccal mucous membrane. They are very painful, look yellowish and are surrounded by a red margin. They may have varying appearances too. The important point is that these appear for no reason and disappear within a week or ten days. These can be termed as 'stress ulcers'. They are not harmful to the body, but are only of nuisance value. Herbal MedicinesTURMERIC POWDER which is powdered at home is a highly useful healing agent in this condition. ½ teaspoonful of turmeric powder well mixed in a cup of warm milk along with some sugar should be consumed twice a day. 'ALUM' is highly useful in this condition. Some quantity of alum is fried over a frying pan by which it gets dehydrated and swollen. The colour changes to whitish. This should be powdered and mixed well with honey and applied over the affected areas. Ayurvedic RemediesBefore application of this, 2 tsf of Triphalachuma mixed in warm water is used to rinse the sore mouth. A popular Ayurvedic remedy available over the counter for this 'sore tongue' is Khadiradi Vati tablets. These should be chewed 3 to 4 times a day. This drug heals the oral ulcers quickly. One of the important ingredients of this preparation is Kattha used in pan - a domestically available item. One should discontinue alcohol taking and excessive tea drinking, betel nut/clove chewing' etc. Are you looking for information on medical symptoms? If you are tired of not getting the medical advice you need, when you need it, turn to the internet. Our medical search engine houses lots of information on topics such as diabetes, pregnancy and so much more! |
Obesity Painful Periods Parkinson's Disease Peptic Ulcer Piles Pleurisy Poor Memory Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Premature Ejaculation Prickly Heat Prostate Enlargement Psoriasis Pus in the Ear Pyorrhoea Ringworm Scabies Schizophrenia Sciatica Sinusitis Sneezing Sore Tongue Stroke Stye Sun Burn Swelling of The Body Tonsillitis Tooth-Ache Tuberculosis Urticaria Warts Whitlow Whooping Cough |
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