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DiabetesDiabetes mellitus affects one in a 100 people. It is a life-long problem. In most cases, however it can be kept under control by daily usage of drugs. Dietics also playa role in the management. Background Diabetes has been recognised since ancient times and is of particular importance because of its wide prevalance. The name is derived from the sweet taste of urine from patients with this disorder (mellitus = honey) due to the glycosuria resulting from elevated levels of blood glucose. In Ayurveda, it is known as "Madhu Meha" i.e., passing honey-like urine. Definition Diabetes mellitus is a condition of impaired carbohydrate utilisation caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. There are two main types of diabetes: insulin dependent diabetes and non-insulin dependent diabetes. 1. Insulin Dependent Diabetes This type occurs when the body produces virtually no insulin. This usually develops in the early teens though it can appear later. It usually develops very quickly, often over a few days. The child or young adult feels increasingly weak, becomes intensely thirsty, and passes large quantities of urine. She/he may lose weight rapidly because, unable to use or store its glucose, the body draws on its stores of fat or energy. There may also be confusion and sleepiness. Without prompt treatment, the condition can worsen to such an extent that the diabetic may lose consciousness and pass into a coma. The breath may smell of alcohol. 2. Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes It is a milder form resulting when the body produces some insulin but not enough for its requirements. Most people in this group are over 40 years and over-weight. The initial symptoms of thirst and excessive urine usually come on over a period of months (gradual onset). Other symptoms like tiredness, a feeling of pins and needles and blurred vision may also occur. But it is very rare for the older diabetic to go into a coma. Diabetics - Characteristics Diabetics are more prone to suffer from certain types of infection than other people, because sugar encourages the growth of bacteria/fungi and viri. Common problems that occur are: Recurrent boils and carbuncles; thrush and itching in the genital regions because of high blood sugar levels in the urine, and the failure of cuts and other injuries to heal. CausesDiabetes is caused by a lack of the hormone insulin, which controls the way the body uses sugar. When one consumes bread, cakes, biscuits and other foods containing sugar and starch, the digestive process in the bowel breaks down the sugar and starch into glucose, which is absorbed into the blood stream. Insulin, which is produced in the pancreas, a small organ located just below the stomach, helps the body process the glucose in the blood, so that it can be used to fuel muscle activity and other body functions. After processing, any excess can be stored in the liver as glycogen to be converted later into energy or fat. In diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to allow the glucose in the blood to be used. In some cases, no insulin at all is produced. Heredity plays an important part in this disease. Nearly one-third of diabetics have a family history of insulin deficiency. Age can also cause the pancreas to become inefficient. Many of those who develop the disease in later life are over-weight. Herbal Medicines1. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Home remedies or herbal drugs are not yet all effective in this condition, i.e., total lack of insulin. Only insulin injections at regular intervals as determined by the specialist should be taken under his direct supervision. Dietics Once on insulin, diabetics must be careful about food/diet. Regular meals throughout the day are a must. If they have an insulin injection and do not eat, the level of glucose in the blood stream will fall dramatically, and they can become the victims of a hypoglycaemic attack. Insulin dependent diabetics, apart from regular meals, need to be particularly careful about the quantity of sugar and starch that they eat. They need some but not too much. So diabetic diets are prescribed to contain specified amounts of sugar. A special diabetic diet recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Hyderabad is reproduced in the 'THERAPEUTIC DIETS' chapter of this book for the benefit of the diabetics. Now-a-days simple kits are available for testing and monitoring the level of sugar in the urine and as well as in blood. This way diabetics can keep their own check and get remedial measures. If there is a low level of sugar, they can take little bit of sugar to avoid hypoglycaemia. 2. Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes This type of diabetes known as NIDD type usually improves with a carefully controlled diet to rid them of any excess weight and reduce their sugar and starch intake. A regular check should be kept on the blood sugar level, and if it settles in the normal range, no further treatment is needed. In case, if diet alone is not sufficient, one should try some home remedies before switching over to regular treatment.
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