Free Herbal Medicines


   Bad Breath
   Bleeding Nose
   Blood in Urine
   Burning Urine
   Cervical Spondylosis
   Cirrhosis of Liver
   Common Cold
   Facial Paralysis
   Hair Fall
   Heart Disease
   Hoarse Voice
   Intestinal Worms
   Irregular Bleeding
   Kidney Stones
   Mouth Ulcers
   Muscle Cramps
   Myopia/Short Sight


Inflammation of the liver is known as 'hepatitis' in medical language. There are two important types of hepatitis. These are commonly called hepatitis 'A' and hepatitis 'B'. Each is caused by different viruses.

Hepatitis 'A'

This is milder than 'B' type of hepatitis. It is more infectious and occurs more commonly.


Hepatitis 'A' is usually transmitted through unhygienic or contaminated food or water.

Signs & Symptoms

The initial signs are fever and headache, followed by nauseating sensation, vomiting and discomfort over the region of liver, which lies under the ribs in the upper right-hand side of the abdomen.

After three or four days of the above stated signs and symptoms, jaundice will appear and gradually worsen over a week.

The affected person's urine may be dark-brown in colour. Generalised itching over the body may also occur in some. Recovery takes place in the next one or two weeks time.

Herbal Medicines
  1. Take pure turmeric powder, add 10gms of this powder to 50gms of pure yoghurt and mix well, and divide into equal parts. Drink 1 part in the morning and another in the evening for 15 days. This simple home remedy works well in many instances.
  2. Sugarcane should be sucked three or four times a day. It nourishes the body and works as a diuretic thereby clearing the urine.

Ayurvedic Remedies are same as in the case of jaundice.

   Painful Periods
   Parkinson's Disease
   Peptic Ulcer
   Poor Memory
   Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
   Premature Ejaculation
   Prickly Heat
   Prostate Enlargement
   Pus in the Ear
   Sore Tongue
   Sun Burn
   Swelling of The Body
   Whooping Cough

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