Free Herbal Medicines


   Bad Breath
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Measles is a viral disease usually occurring in children. It is considered one of the most contagious of all infections. One attack usually gives immunity for life.


It is caused by a virus which is spread through the air by coughing and sneezing. People can spread the infection to others as early as a day after making contact with the disease and remain infectious for about a week after the symptoms first appear.

Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms appear 7 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. These usually start with a fever, running nose, sore eyes and a feeling of weakness.

A cough and sore throat soon follow. After a few days, a rash with small rounded spots appears on the sides of the face and the neck, and gradually spreads throughout the body surfaces. With time these spots turn darker from pink colour.

Herbal Medicines

Turmeric, neem, lemon, and tulsi are the well­known remedies for measles.

  1. These can be used internally as well as externally on the rashes.
  2. A combination of pure turmeric powder 2 gms well mixed in 20ml of fresh juice of tulsi leaves, consumed twice a day till the symptoms are cleared, is a valuable remedy.
  3. Fresh neem leaves well pounded with some turmeric and sandalwood can be used as external paste.
  4. If there is persistent cough, tulsi juice well mixed with honey can be given repeatedly.

Ayurvedic Remedies

  1. Liquorice powder 2gms along with 10ml of honey is also a good home remedy to relieve sore throat and cough in measles.
  2. Brihat Haridra Khanda granules should be taken in a dosage of 5gm well mixed in a cup of lukewarm water twice a day.
  3. Tribhuvan Kirti Ras in the dose of 1 tablet thrice daily with warm water.
  4. Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras ½ tablet thrice daily.
  5. Swarn Makshik Bhasma is a drug of choice in the dose of 125mg thrice daily.
Do's & Don'ts

The affected child should be placed in a clean well ventilated environment. Liquid diet consisting of milk and fresh fruit juices should be given initially. Children suffering from measles should be isolated so as to contain the infection. Children should be vaccinated against measles at the advocated time.

   Painful Periods
   Parkinson's Disease
   Peptic Ulcer
   Poor Memory
   Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
   Premature Ejaculation
   Prickly Heat
   Prostate Enlargement
   Pus in the Ear
   Sore Tongue
   Sun Burn
   Swelling of The Body
   Whooping Cough

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