Free Herbal Medicines


   Bad Breath
   Bleeding Nose
   Blood in Urine
   Burning Urine
   Cervical Spondylosis
   Cirrhosis of Liver
   Common Cold
   Facial Paralysis
   Hair Fall
   Heart Disease
   Hoarse Voice
   Intestinal Worms
   Irregular Bleeding
   Kidney Stones
   Mouth Ulcers
   Muscle Cramps
   Myopia/Short Sight


Dysentery refers to repeated passage of blood or mucus or both in the stool and invariably preceded by severe pain in the abdomen.


  • Dysentery is of two types-Amoebic dysentery due to Entamoeba bistolytica, a parasite and Bacillary dysentery due to bacteria called Shigella. This disease is mainly due to consumption of water or food contaminated by these organisms.

Signs & Symptoms

The disease is characterized by passage of blood or mucus or both in stools. The frequency may vary from person to person. Invariably there is pain in the lower abdomen especially before passing stools. Appetite is poor and fever may be present. Patient feels very weak and restless.

Herbal Medicines
  1. Bel is very useful in dysentery. The soft pulp of fruit should be taken 1-2 tsf twice a day.
  2. Pipal mixed with black pepper taken with milk controls dysentery.
  3. Yoghurt taken 50gm mixed with small amount of honey taken 3 'times a day controls dysentery.

Ayurvedic Remedies

  1. Jati phaladivati 1 tab. three times a day taken with lassi (butter milk) controls dysentery in early stage.
  2. Babularista taken in a dose of 20ml mixed with 20ml daily after meals.
  3. Dast bund is a common drug used in dysentery and freely available in market. The doses are 1-2 tab. 3-4 times a day.
Do's & Don'ts

Same as in the case of diarrhoea.

   Painful Periods
   Parkinson's Disease
   Peptic Ulcer
   Poor Memory
   Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
   Premature Ejaculation
   Prickly Heat
   Prostate Enlargement
   Pus in the Ear
   Sore Tongue
   Sun Burn
   Swelling of The Body
   Whooping Cough

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