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Hoarse Voice (Laryngitis)

Laryngitis is the term used to denote the inflammatory condition of the larynx - the voice box.


  • Acute laryngitis is a short-term viral or bacterial throat infection, often caused due to an attack of cold.
  • It may also be caused by some other irritants, like smoking, pan chewing, gutkha, alcohol etc.
  • Some people are prone to chronic laryngitis, such as heavy smokers, and those who work in a dusty environment or who use their voices continuously like singers, speakers etc.

Signs & Symptoms

  • The characteristic sign is a hoarse voice, which may lead to total voice loss.
  • A sore throat and difficulty in swallowing are also common.
  • Chronic laryngitis develops over a period of time and sufferers may cough and clear their throats regularly and always have a hoarse voice.

Herbal Medicines

  1. Inhalation: Inhale the vapours coming out-of hot water in which a few drops of eucalyptus oil have been added, for about 10 minutes.
  2. Add some black pepper powder to a cup of warm milk, and drink the mixture twice a day. A little bit of sugar can also be added, if desired.
  3. The fresh juice of tulsi leaves ( ½ tst) and 1 tsp of honey well mixed, should be taken 3 to 4 times a day.
  4. Akkarakara (root of Anacyclus pyrethrum). Make a fine powder of Akkarakara, and use in small doses of 300 to 600mg twice a day with warm water. This increases the secretion of saliva, and is thereby useful in hoarse voice.
  5. Steam inhalation of turmeric water. Add a 'pinch of turmeric powder (haldi) to 15 to 20ml of water.

Ayurvedic Remedies

  1. Talisadi Chuma is a powdered drug useful in this condition. 3 gms of this powder, well mixed in honey or lukewarm water can be taken 3 to 4 times a day.
  2. Lavangadivati: These pills are specially prescribed in throat diseases. 1 to 2 pills can be chewed 3 to 4 times a day. It is a good remedy for laryngitis.
  3. Yasti Madhu is also a useful remedy. 2gms of powder well mixed in a cup of milk should be taken twice a day.
  4. Septilin Tablet (Himalaya Drugs) 1 to 2 tablets twice daily for 4 to 6 weeks.
  5. Kaph-ketu Ras 1 to 2 pills thrice daily for 4 weeks.

All irritating food stuffs like pickles and spices, should be avoided. Cold water, curd, smoking, and alcohol are also to be avoided for better results.

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