Black Nail Fungus has become an increasing problem among people who tend to walk around without any footwear in public places like pools, showers and amusement parks, etc. Fungi, the root cause behind this problem tend to increase in such places and a person gets affected when they walk barefooted there.
The Black Nail Fungus condition flakes, thickens and discolors the nails and also destroys the keratin of the nail, making them look ugly. The fungus infects the nails and the cuticle and produces a black color. Apart from being just a cosmetic problem with an embarrassing appearance, it is condition that involves foul odor and disrupts the day-to-day activities as you feel pain and discomfort. The sufferers experience problems for walking and running.
Causes of Black Nail Fungus
The Black Nail Fungus can be caused due to many reasons. Sports playing people can easily bruise their toes when they play and it turns black. Also, when someone steps on your toes, it can be easily bruised and turns black. When they run in new shoes or without socks, they are prone to this nail condition.
It has been found that people develop the toe nail fungus as they do not wear footwear when they are at public places. A small cut under the nails can cause infection.
Sweat in the shoes can also cause this problem. Cutting nail too short also increases the risk as a minor cut on the toe may lead to infection.
Public areas like pools, showers, gyms, locker rooms, and saunas are common places where this fungus spreads.
Treatment of Black Nail Fungus
There are many ways for the treatment of Black Nail Fungus. There are many over the counter medications for this problem, but most of them are not very effective for this fungus. Some of them can also cause other complications such as kidneys and liver damage.
When treating the infection, it is advisable to take the natural nail fungus treatments.
There are many nail fungus home remedies available. See some below: –
Soak in your feet for hours at home in a solution made with Listerine mouthwash.
Apply different types of essential oils to solve the problem.
You can also try the lavender, olive, tea tree, and jojoba oil etc. These oils have great antiseptic and antifungal properties that work effectively for the nail fungus infection.
Also, there are some popular medications like Zeta Clear and Fungisil.
Home remedies like Vicks and Vinegar also works effectively for Black Nail Fungus problem.
Do not delay your black nail fungus treatment as the nails can become ugly, flaking, and smell bad, it is required that you take action at the right time without wasting time.
If you discover this disease, wearing tight shoes as they have excess moisture that favors the fungi and the condition becomes worse.
Always keep your toes dry and clean and keep the feet opened when you are at home and wear loose footwear when you need to go outside. Ventilated sandals are good and make sure that you treat Black Nail Fungus as soon as possible without wasting time.
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